My name is Eric Gallant, I have been in business for over 35 years.
Call me at 203-815-5500 to see how you can take the next step.
email gallanteric@gmail.com
Your Success
Step don't leap
Do you have an idea for a new business but taking that leap scares you? Do you have a business but need help to determine your next step or find a new idea to move forward?
Let me take my 35 years of small business experience to help you move forward.
Can I afford you?
What is your dream worth?
My hourly rate is $100 an hour. I know that seems expensive but if you get one or two things that will help you forward is $100 that much?
I also feel confident enough that you will find my services worth it that if you don't feel it is you don't have to pay!
What do I do
I am will not tell you what to do, I will work with you to find practical answers to how to take the next steps forward. We will talk and figure out what is either holding you back, cut through the fog of whats next or work with you to find ways to succeed.